Letter from Martha McBride Knight to Gilbert Belnap


            Springvill  April th 10 1865


  My Dear Children and grand c[h]ildren

I st down this morning to write a few

lines to let you now I am still

enjoing good health and I hope these lines

will find you enjoing the same blessing

Richards folks and all our connections in

Springvill are well I receivd a few lines

from James some time in March writen

on your leter to me of January 2[8?] th

which you directed to fillmore I was glad to

hear that you was all well and I was

glad also to here from Andrews folks

gilbert the time is drawing near for me

to loock for the teeme again I havent got

my things from fillmore yet James

sayes he will send them the first chance

he gets he thinks that he will [be] up this

way soon I am enxiously waiting for

the time to com when I can come

and see all of you I hope Martha Janes

[coil?] has got well for when I get

there I shall want her to wipe the dishes

after I have washed them tell Agustus

to take good care of that ewe sheep

for his promis is sure / it has been avery

hard winter here this winter some stock has

died and it is still cold and backwa[r]d

pleas write wehen you get this and

let me know how the times is with you

                                                Martha Knight

                                                Gilbert Belnap